• You’re right, when I left that comment I hadn’t watched the video. Now that I have, I feel like I’m covered in awkward teenage angst.

    The video gives examples of “look at these cities with thousands of years of culture compared to cities in North America.”

    And doesn’t highlight any of the benefits cars bring. Heres some arbitrary arguments (to keep in the style of the video):

    Person needs to do a midnight move from an abusive situation, but can’t because they have to wait for the bus/train and can only carry on a few belongings.

    Person needs medical care, not ambulance worthy, but can’t stand on a train for an hour.

    Hit rock bottom and lost your shelter? You can sleep in your car. It’s way better than a train station.

    Want to go camping/hike/climb anywhere? Public transit can’t accommodate everyone’s schedule/place to be.

    Agree though, we need a better solution for parking.