• You’re the one who spot-focused Ukraine so frankly none of our responses should surprise you.

    We can easily afford to feed kids. Our bloated military (which I do not support btw) has nothing to do with it. There is no political will to do it. The cost would be negligible in the grand scheme of our budget. You’re framing it as a balance thing - to pay for X we have to cut Y - but that’s not how the federal budget works at all. By your argument i could go “if we’d just stop paying for medicaid we could afford school lunches.” I could arbitrarily pick any government program and say “we fund this instead of that.” It makes no sense.

    Plus it’s not like we were about to then “oh no war in Ukraine” and we canned the idea.

      • I am not defending it, in fact I explicitly said I DON’T support our military spending. I’m saying your either/or is patently absurd. Cut military spending, increase military spending, it doesn’t matter. It’s detached from whether or not we feed our children. They are separate matters.

        If you agree we can easily afford it then what are you even on about?