Given that with 3.18 bedlogging finally functioning again (albeit a bit restrictive with the only one person can be on a ship during bedlogging), I wanna ask how long have you been able to live onboard your ship?

With that I mean waking up in your ship and then bed logout on the same.

I am starting my journey through the stars on board of my Crusader Mercury Star Runner (BFS-The Long Dream), trying to do everything from it: be it missions, cargo, exploration (mostly sand caves) and mining.

Got any stories to share as well?

  •  Torty   ( ) 
    32 years ago

    The salvage processing deck has a 120 SCU grid and the Cargo Hold has a 180 SCU grid. So 300 is the max capacity.

    Idk if I’ll call it quits there or not though. The rooms themselves are huge, I might just start yeeting boxes around until there’s too many to track and my Reclaimer causes servers to 30K on demand cause the physics engine can’t cope lmao

    •  macniel   ( ) OP
      32 years ago

      Oh yeah the cargo holds are huge, can’t believe it that CIG only made those cargo grids 1 crate high; heck there would be enough space to stack multiple 32 SCU containers in them as well.

      I know that you can stack Crates ontop of other Crates even outside of Grids but I really don’t like the bounciness that happens which also can cause damage to the ship.