The number of Canadians who visit emergency departments across the country only to give up and leave before they receive any care has increased more than fivefold, according to new data collected by CTV News.

  • It’s crazy that over the last decades, conservatives have fought tooth and nail against any foreign aid or immigration under the false assertion that “we need to take care of our own”, meanwhile any time they have any freedom to do so, they decidedly “take care of our own” less and less.

    And yet Doug Ford has a majority in Ontario, Tim Houston has a majority in Nova Scotia, Danielle Smith has a majority in Alberta, Scott Moe has a majority in Saskatchewan, and Bill Oliver has a majority in New Brunswick.

    Who’s voting for these troglodytes? Who’s looking at the options of “a better future for real people, or a worse future for real people” and choosing the latter? Surely it’s not all just in the name of bad memes and “owning the libs”… right?