After defying expectations twice, Vince Gilligan is going for a hat trick. The creator of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul satisfied fans with two spectacular shows, put Albuquerque on the crime series map, and rarely, if ever, made a mistake. With his next show, he’s going back to his roots.

“I wouldn’t call this heavy science fiction, I would call it mild science fiction. But it does have a sci-fi element to it, at its core,” Gilligan said. “And there’s no crime and no methamphetamine. It’s going to be fun and different. I have no prediction as to how folks to react to it — whether they’ll love it or hate it or somewhere in the vast in-between. But I know it’s a story that interests me, and Rhea will be playing a very different character than she played on Saul. The weird thing is that it takes place in Albuquerque, except it’s a whole different world. There’s no overlap that I can see. She’s playing a character who is not Kim Wexler, but hopefully people will roll with that. I’m nervous. It’ll be interesting to see how folks react to it.”

  • Wild timing! I literally just (like 30mins ago) was in a graduate seminar that was being presented by the science advisor from Breaking Bad. I wonder if she’ll work with him on this? Probably not unless there’s going to be chemistry I guess? Apparently she’s working with another producer at the moment on an upcoming show about fentanyl.

    In any case I’ll be interested to check out this new show when it comes out. “Mild” science fiction could mean a lot of different things!