What she did is not at all “essentially doing the exact same thing”. At all. I’m not saying she’s not probably guilty of some crime at some point because most of our politicians are corrupt, but you are absolutely misinformed if you think she kept hundreds of classified documents, showed them off to people, and lied to federal investigators about it.
you’d think if she actually did commit a crime the FBI would have actually charged and prosecuted her, considering they found the accusations so serious they essentially–unintentionally or intentionally, depending on how cynical you want to view this–interfered with a democratic election in publicly announcing they were investigating just days before the 2016 presidential election. and yet!
In May, the State Department’s Office of the Inspector General released a report about the State Department’s email practices, including Clinton’s. In July, FBI director James Comey announced that the FBI investigation had concluded that Clinton had been “extremely careless” but recommended that no charges be filed because Clinton did not act with criminal intent, the historical standard for pursuing prosecution.[7]
A three-year State Department investigation concluded in September 2019 that 38 individuals were “culpable” in 91 instances of sending classified information that reached Clinton’s email account, though it found “no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information”.[15] Yet a September 2022 “Fact Checker” analysis by The Washington Post, which followed a tweet by Clinton claiming, “I had zero emails that were classified”, also quotes the same 2019 State Department report as having noted, “None of the emails at issue in this review were marked as classified.”[1]
What she did is not at all “essentially doing the exact same thing”. At all. I’m not saying she’s not probably guilty of some crime at some point because most of our politicians are corrupt, but you are absolutely misinformed if you think she kept hundreds of classified documents, showed them off to people, and lied to federal investigators about it.
You’re right… it’s worse. She covered her tracks by deleting all the data then lying about it.
I assume you have evidence of this?
you’d think if she actually did commit a crime the FBI would have actually charged and prosecuted her, considering they found the accusations so serious they essentially–unintentionally or intentionally, depending on how cynical you want to view this–interfered with a democratic election in publicly announcing they were investigating just days before the 2016 presidential election. and yet!