• I’ve been using NPM for years… but since 2.10.3 broke SSL certificates and there’s been literally no interest from JC21 to fix the problem (there’s a PR ready to go) i’ve been forced to look elsewhere and have settled on caddy for now…

      • Agreed but it’s more the worry that it’s been broken for over 3 weeks and the dev(s) seems to have no interest in resolving it… to me that is a bad sign of things to come and projects being abandoned.

        If i’m incorrect and the devs have been vocal about the issue then please correct me and point me to where i should be looking.

        •  Mike   ( @MDKAOD@lemmy.ml ) 
          1 year ago

          I’m not challenging you, so please don’t take offence here but is the issue sincerely a ‘lack of interest’ or is it just that NPM is FOSS and the maintainer is bogged down with life? You could fork it and fix it.

          • It’s a very good question and of course… i could fork it and fix it using the PR… but then that would be it… I’m not experienced enough to even achieve that to be honest…

            My issue I guess is not so much with the fact that there is a problem… it’s with the fact that i can’t afford for my homelab to be down because it’s never fixed or takes time to fix… i appreciate all of this is free… i think i may of even donated at some point because i was so thankful it existed… but now it’s such an integral part of my and my families life that i cannot have something in my stack that isn’t going to be fixed rapidly.

            JC21 created an amazing product and if it’s fixed or V3 ever appears i’ll 100% check it out… but for now whilst it’s not as pretty… i have to fall back to caddy.