The free trade agreement with China allows them to send their citizens here, to teach Chinese language in NZ schools.

I wish they could get CGTN onto terrestrial TV, it’d spice things up a little.

Watch this documentary “remote killing” by CGTN. This would never be allowed on NZ television, it would cause outrage.

Chinese TV can say whatever it wants about the U.S.

Here it seems we only get American talking points, and American propaganda. If our media (CNN/ABC/NBC/Reuters/AP) tell the truth, they should have nothing to fear if New Zealanders decide to watch CGTN sometimes. If it’s just propaganda, then we can expose it as such. We have a community of experienced moderators here, who could be part of a watchdog organisation :P

  • Personally I’m not sure that the answer to American imperialistic propaganda is to add CCP imperialistic propaganda on top but I’d definitely be keen on more open discussion in our society about how shitty the USA etc. are and have been.