• You want to bet he also lives in a city, too?

    In my experience, time these “cities bad I’d never live in them!” types, the ones who brag about living in the countryside, usually live a 15 minute + traffic highway commute from a small city that they entirely rely on to function day to day. They just live in suburbs or “exurbs” that would not function without the nearby town’s urban residents.

    It’s frustrating how many people cannot comprehend that there is a whole spectrum of urban life from the major skyrise metropolises of the world to a small town’s main street, all of which are cities and all of which benefit from policies that create mixed-use, walkable, human-centric neighborhoods.

    I always find it painfully eye-roll-inducing when anyone claims they live the rural life while surrounded by metropolitan infrastructure like municipal water/sewer, highways, fire protection, parks/rec/landscaping service, and all that kind of stuff.

    •  bermuda   ( @bermuda@beehaw.org ) 
      49 months ago

      Tru dat. Met a lot of people in my life who claimed to live in a “rural area” but in reality they lived in a suburb that was surrounded by real rural areas. A 20 minute drive just to do groceries doesn’t make some place inherently rural, it just means that there’s bad city planning.