•  Zaktor   ( @Zaktor@sopuli.xyz ) 
    211 year ago

    The billions of dollars they’ve received is more than enough to have stockpiled a large multiple of whatever rockets Hamas was able to somehow build up in secret. “We give you $3.8B per year” should also mean “manage your own munitions when fighting a small insurgency”. If they got into another war with Iran, sure, that could warrant big brother stepping in and turning on the missile spigot, but they’re not even at war with an actual nation.

    • I don’t know if I should explain how foreign aid works, how many long range missles Hamas controls and how they got them, what a small insurgency is, how an anti-missle system works, or something else you seem to need clarity on. So, I think you should just keep ranting.

          •  Zaktor   ( @Zaktor@sopuli.xyz ) 
            1 year ago

            People can make fun of your lazy argument without being drunk. It’s quite easy.

            You want to act like you’re a deep expert and everyone who disagrees with your positions is ignorant, here’s your chance to prove it. If not for me, do it for everyone else, because right not many people seem to be upvoting your obvious brilliance. You do want them to understand and acknowledge your expertise, don’t you? Or was this just a tired rhetorical device people have been using for decades to posture on the internet when they believe they’re right but don’t want to go through all the effort of proving it?

    •  emma   ( @emma@beehaw.org ) 
      61 year ago

      This IS a proxy war from Iran.

      Iran will give Hamas and other militant terrorist groups like Palestinian Islamic Jihad as many arms as they can get across the border.

      That’s a rather significant fact to be unaware of.

      •  Zaktor   ( @Zaktor@sopuli.xyz ) 
        1 year ago

        I’m not unaware of it, it’s just not remotely a threat that means $3.8B a year isn’t enough. Israel estimated 1,000 fighters were involved in the recent attacks. And that was considered a lot! Ukraine was invaded by 150,000 soldiers in a modern (ish) military with a full state actor behind it, not smuggled weaponry from a regional power which is still weaker than Israel itself.

        •  emma   ( @emma@beehaw.org ) 
          1 year ago

          I’m countering the way you downplayed Hamas’ resources. You keep doing this which leads to sloppy opinions. Especially so if you truly are aware of the resources Iran puts into their proxy wars.

          The PRESENCE (not necessarily use) of additional weapons NOW is geo-political message to Iran to de-escalate, that the US will respond in some way. Iran will hear it even if you can’t, we’ll see what they do.

      • Recent reporting from AP indicates that the Israeli blockade has meant that the primary source of explosives used in Hamas missiles are those extracted from unexploded Israeli munitions fired on Gaza.

        Iran is mostly only capable of supporting Hamas through intelligence and through designs/blueprints (things that don’t really require transport).

        •  emma   ( @emma@beehaw.org ) 
          11 year ago

          You mean the same report which also talks about arms coming into Gaza via Sudan? But yes, Gaza militants fire so many rockets and missiles at Israel they have to make their own in addition. This smuggling includes key components. And yes, Iran’s contributions are far bigger than smuggling in arms. My bad for not including a full list 🙄

          None of this changes the fact that it is a proxy war with Iran.