So this is probably my insecurities showing but I have an invisible disability that affects my walking and stamina. Also my body doesn’t regulate my temperature very well. I tell you all this bc when I go even on a small trail, I have a sun hat and a hydration backpack and hiking poles. If you were to see someone on the trail like that, would you think they are a try hard? Or not think about me at all? It won’t stop me but I do wonder sometimes.

edit: Thanks y’all I’m feeling better. Sometimes I’m in my own head too much for sure

  • You do you, buddy. Honestly, when I’m on the trail I barely register folks who aren’t in my party (save the friendly wave / hello I try to offer). At the risk of sounding like an ass, I’ll fall back on the words of Don Draper: “I don’t think about you at all.”

    Seriously, though, hike your own hike and have fun. Life is too short to worry about the thoughts / opinions of someone you see for 10 seconds walking the other way.