This comic is the last part of an ongoing story that might make more sense with full context.

First comic in this story
Previous comic in this story \

If you followed this story over the last month here, thank you so much for reading! I’m afraid I don’t have any more Konsi comics drawn at this point, but there will be another one once every 2 weeks or so on my comic. You can follow at any of the following:


In addition to that, I’ll still be posting Konsi art every day at these sites (for my website, I’ll do a compilation image at the end)

I’ll also post a short halloween story here in the next few days :)

  • This comic is the last part of an ongoing story

    Sadness. Checking here for the daily Konsi comic had become something of a routine for me. Unfortunately, these comics were far and away the best content on this board, so I’m not sure I’ll have any other reasons to come back.