Dave live on the f4wonline YT account stated: "“He wanted to go there and the decision was a no”

Dave said that Punk wanted to go, but WWE (meaning Vince, and probably Nick Khan and Triple H) decided against it. Meltzer added that things can always change, but that’s where they stand as of right now.

  • Bring Punk in for a Survivor Series one off
    Have Punk lose clean to a long time WWE Superstar
    WWE gets to brag about their guy beating “AEW’s greatest champion”

    I know it sounds crazy, and even kinda dumb. But I believe Pepsi Phil is petty enough to agree to it.

    • He’ll do it as a retirement match, then suck on the 'Dole with a Legends package for a few years with a HOF induction.

      …then he’ll mask up and hit his buddy’s bingo hall promotion again lol