• So what? What I’m saying is that it’s toxic to make that power itself the core message (I have already explained why), and anyone would be right to deeply distrust someone using that sort of iconography as such in a political context. As a metaphor it is very directly evocative of falling into line for instrumental strength.

      • No, that’s specifically the fascist interpretation, and is a false collectivism. Fascism is individualism dressed up in collectivism.

        Fascists say the individual is the core of society, and has its place only to serve the “collective” (the state).

        True collectivism says the collective should serve every individual.

        The difference may sound subtle, but trust me, it really isn’t.

        Saying groups are stronger than individuals is a reminder that those in power only have power because we let them, and we can easily remove them if we work together. That is not the message of fascism.

        • the fascist interpretation

          Of the stick metaphor? Please keep in mind that I am talking about the stick metaphor, and not a broader concept like collectivism. I’m not sure you understand that what I am saying is that the stick metaphor is bad.

            • It’s a metaphor for fascism. Not sure why people think it can be removed from that context and be made a positive message. Anyway I think something happened to the comment at the top of the chain here as I can’t find the context for this anymore.

              • The metaphor existed before fascism, dude. It was co-opted. Fascists love to co-opt leftist imagery and rhetoric, like the Nazis calling themselves socialist.

                You are, in fact, perpetuating fascist myth by saying it’s inextricable from fascism.