Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • This is a shit outcome. It’s not surprising, but it’s shit. To the Indigenous Australians amongst us: I’m sorry. I hope one day Australia will show you the respect and care you deserve.

    Ultimately, I’m angry. Angry at this country, really. We need to be better than this.

      • seriously, I thought I would be flamed for that post

        If I had 400 million I would have spent it on educating First Nations people on how to use the power they have, to vote and stand for elected government. Government has the power to make policy and direct spending.


      • Yeah I really just do not understand why it’s a bad thing that our First Nations peoples can have more say when it comes to stuff related to them. Like I heard one wild thing was if the voice was majority yes, then First Nations peoples would kick every person out of their house.

        First, what an absolutely wild assumption. Secondly, I mean that’s what white colonisers did…

    • We ARE better than this. Let’s be clear, Australia has voted against Murdoch media in the past, but labor set this up to fail hard. Albo should resign. This will be spun as a win for the libs, but a huge portion of Aussies didn’t understand what they were voting for. I agree, those who didn’t had a responsibility to educate themselves, but labor had a responsibility to show people why this was a vote for unity.

    • I’m just, I’m so disappointed. I mean, it feels weird to vote for the idea to give people more rights when they’re the ones who lived here first. It’s like taking a vote on if you should allow your housemate to be on the lease.

      It’s just really disappointing. Labor didn’t expect that the No vote would come out swinging and because of that there was A LOT of misinformation. Honestly, if you have fucking NAZI’S on your side… you should really re-evaluate your opinions.