I just finished Death Masks by Jim Butcher, 5th book of The Dresden Files. Really enjoying the series.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening?

  • Which version did you read? The prose or the graphic novel? He mentioned (last year, I think) that a re-print / definitive edition was coming out, since many people can’t find the graphic novel. Have been waiting for that.

    Haven’t read any Koontz book lately, but used to read him a lot. I think after Sanderson, Koontz is the writer I have most books off. Maybe I should check his newer work…

    • I am an audiobook only “reader” (don’t hate me people! XD) so I listened to the graphic audio version as I really like their output.

      Koontz is a more recent discovery for me and I have enjoy most of his stories so far, he sort of scratches that Stephen King itch for me. I’m just working through as many of his books I can get in audiobook and trying to work from oldest to newest.