Beau is Afraid was the last one I recall. I think it was mostly the latter half of the movie where I started to get a bit confused and needed the ending explained to me.

What movies made you look up some kind of explanation afterwards? I feel like I have done it several times in the past for more surreal movies but can’t think of any other examples.

It can also be a TV show.

  • Not really for an explanation, but I looked up the original short story Total Recall (the 90’s version) was based on to see if it concretely says if everything was real or if everything was just in the protagonist’s head and it just cemented it for me that the story is way more ambiguous, and the Arnold film was taking the “it’s all real” approach.

    • The is this real or a dream idea was a major theme in many of Phillip K Dick’s works. Considering he wrote many of his novels and short stories while off his face on amphetamines and a cocktail of other drugs i guess it should not be much of a surprise.

      I wonder if that is a reason so many of his works have been adapted for the screen. Eg:

      A Scanner Darkly

      Blade Runner

      Total Recall

      Minority Report

      The Adjustment Bureau




      The Crystal Crypt
