• Oh, absolutely the opposite for me too. I’ve written the backend for a project I’m working on, it was smooth sailing the entire time. Define your data model, build an API, think about business logic and security, all very rational and step by step.

    Now I have to make the UI. It’s a horrible slog to do basic things. Drag and drop? More like drag my corpse because I’ve dropped dead

    I refuse to use JS anymore, so I’m doing everything in WASM (Rust/yew). It’s better, but still pretty high friction.

      • It takes some getting used to, but for me it’s much better than JavaScript and even TypeScript. TypeScript is a little better than using JavaScript, but not by much. I still find it very frustrating to use. The ecosystem is a mess, IMO.

        In Rust when doing web work, at least when using the Yew framework, you return an Html type from functions. Kinda like this:

        fn hello_world(props: &Props) -> Html {
          // do logic
              <div>{ props.username }</div>

        It’s very similar to using React, with various state / hook things that have been developed pretty directly with reference to how React does things.