I just finished Death Masks by Jim Butcher, 5th book of The Dresden Files. Really enjoying the series.
What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening?
I just finished Death Masks by Jim Butcher, 5th book of The Dresden Files. Really enjoying the series.
What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening?
Oh really? I’d heard that it was worth it. Is it dumb like Disc world, I couldn’t get into that cringe worthy idiocy.
@theskyisfalling I mean discworld is supposed to be funny. This guy named the bad guys Murderalls and all the people are named all fantasy names but one of the main characters is named Matt which felt like when the little grocery cart makes a noise every 10 seconds pushing it down an aisle. The women are the problem and bitchy. The men are quiet. Their problems would dissolve if they talked to each other just a little. The world building is epic and great but execution………
I know it is supposed to be but I listened to the first 7 books trying to get into it as people seem to regard it fairly highly but I just don’t understand the appeal of the 13 year olds humour personally.
I think like discworld I will give the wheel of time a try and see how I like it cause if I don’t try it I may miss out on something I enjoy. I do appreciate your input though and have tempered my expectations some what as prior to this I had only heard that is is “amazing”