• …aren’t we done with this yet? Still not satisfied with trying to crawl into my brain, or is this all performative? Did that one point mean anything? Is it such a great cudgel to wield?

    Last word.

        • You can’t keep saying LaSt WoRd over and over you know.

          No more essays on how not upvoting you is a sign of false pathos and bad faith? No more whinging about kitchen psychology but then going on about how I want to “dominate and own” you? Lose your thesaurus?

                • It says that yanking your chain is fucking hilarious because you have your head so far up your own ass that you can’t seem to help yourself. Rare to see someone so damn oblivious.

                  I thought it was the “last word” like 10 comments ago? Oh no wait that was “you saying what I want”, wasn’t it? But isn’t playing “armchair psychologist” bad, and here you are doing it? I guess it only applies to us acting in bad faith and full of fAlSe pAtHoS? Weren’t you suppose to “stop playing this game”? Pretty sure I’ll get at least one sulky comment out of you, though

                  • Because I thought all you wanted was the last word, and it seems more and more probable.

                    In any case, it seems you’re getting validation from this. I was trying to be honest about that and you instantly jumped down my throat.

                    If you get pleasure from that, please stop. One shouldn’t seek out that kind of thing. I’ve done the same and it should stop. It’s not healthy.

                    Wishing we could conclude this amicably.