Gates McFadden, who played Dr. Beverly Crusher on several Star Trek projects, felt that creator Gene Roddenberry had some unenlightened ideas about women.

  • felt that creator Gene Roddenberry had some unenlightened ideas about women

    I can’t help but suspect that men with “enlightened” ideas about women in the 1960s were still fairly rare, especially for 2020s values of “enlightened”. For Hell’s sake, we still have people who think women’s suffrage was a mistake, and a Supreme Court that decided that it was a good idea to make women’s ownership of their own bodies (particularly their reproductive organs) once again subject to the whims of state legislatures after 49 years of protection under Federal case law.

    (And I blame the Democrats; these assholes had 49 years to ram through a Constitutional amendment or at least solid Federal legislation guaranteeing a woman’s right to decide when and if she would have children.)