I need a wireless controller for my linux laptop (Kubuntu 23.04).

I don’t care how it connects (bluetooth dongle). I just want one that works. The most intense game I play is stardew valley.

    • You mean you have an Xbox controller that supports bt but you can’t get it to work on Linux, or you have an Xbox controller and it doesn’t seem to support bt?

      Because they started adding bt to xbone controllers half way through their cycle, so not all of them have it. Refer to msft’s picture to tell them apart.

      IMO Xbox controllers are the way to go. BT works fine for me on Linux these days. Not sure if it’s steam doing it or what.

        • Ok, I definitely had that happen before. I’m trying to remember what I did to fix it. Are you trying to use one of the xpad or xboxdrv packages? I think the solution that’s currently working for me is not using either of them. I removed them and I think it must be steam that’s making it work for me.

          Or if you’re not using either of those, then maybe try them out lol. It sucks how finicky it can be to get it working, but I still prefer Xbox controllers.