•  essell   ( @essellburns@beehaw.org ) 
    9 months ago

    There’s that word “linked” again.

    Seems clear that they’re saying he channelled public funds into his pockets, or at least his wife’s pockets, but prefer to use euphemism.

    Not able to come out and say that, they’re using the vague idea of a “link” do the work, which could mean a lot of different things.

    But why be specific about the nature of those links when you can allude to it and let people assume the worst version?

    • You can’t be specific about the links in a single paragraph that is trying to summarise the similar problems for a range of companies.

      This isn’t a conspiracy, it’s how writing short pieces has to work.

      • It’s a journalistic style of propaganda.

        That’s smart enough to know the people will read into what they write.

        It’s not like that newspapers bias isn’t well known and isn’t on full display here.

        Why do we need to resort to innuendo to get The Tories out?