• Dorries said she would stand down as an MP with immediate effect in early June. However, she later refused to do so until she was given an explanation for the lack of a peerage. It was not until 26 August – more than 11 weeks after she initially said she would – that Dorries formally resigned.

    The immaturity is staggering. An actual adult throwing an 11 week tantrum because they feel entitled to a medieval honor.

    The world over, conservatives are spoilt children.

    • The whole fact that am MP, can refuse to work for 11 weeks, With no valid excuse. Shows just how out of touch the whole system has become. If MPs are ill or away for work. They arrange cover for voting. Its annoyingly informal. But most try to give a shit.

      The whole of the UK left and right. Should be up in fucking arms over this womans ability to leave her constituants without representation.

      What the hell other job could anyone be hired for where this is acceptable. MPs should be required to attend parliament for a working week. or account for the hours they do not. Or be replaced.

    • And during those 11 weeks she refused to do her actual job.

      The MP for my region is a Tory as well and he’s absolutely sodding useless, and is well versed in the art of taking credit for other people’s projects, but even he holds surgeries which is more than she was doing at the end.