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  • I feel very vindicated.

    Power goes out about almost an hour ago, except for some lights and stuff, very weird. So we’re going through the motions of flicking the power switch at the side of the house and everything, and afterwards Mum tells us we need to turn everything off at the power point, and so everything is slowly working but my stuff. Mum comes in and sees my cords and then starts to say that the reason why everything went out might be because of me. I get annoyed and defensive because she instantly tells me that it could be my fault, and she then gets snarky and annoyed when I tell her that it can’t just be me and she says she’s not accusing me. Even though she never said this to my sister and only said this after she saw my stuff and went “Jesus Christ!”.

    Anyways everything starts turning on again, awesome great, lights are working. Mum goes back to bed and turns on one of the power points in her room and guess what happens… everything goes out again. We find the culprit and its one of mum’s sockets/power points that is causing the issue. So fuck me right?