Harry Potter author JK Rowling has said she would prefer two years in jail over using a trans person’s correct pronouns.

  • “She isn’t going to pick you” lol as far as I’m concerned JK Rowling can die in a fucking fire. Harry Potter is ass anyway. You’re just angry that there are people out there who don’t want to see people arrested over non-crimes.

    • I’m more perturbed people unaffected by her fuckshit deign chime in to say her bullshit hypothetical “…would be terrible, to be fair” as if it’s a thing or she and her worldview need defending. As though the people who need to speak up about how everyone’s a perfect right to be a bigot are the ones unaffected by that bigotry.

      You, I’m more annoyed at for encouraging them. They’ll never learn to channel their Birbiglia that way.
      Still, I’ve no quarrel with you.

      This whole thing hasn’t even been about what is or isn’t true, but who should and should not shut the fuck up and when.

      • This whole chain started because someone mentioned they’d hate to live in a jurisdiction that arrested people for misgendering someone. I’m inclined to agree.

        Whether or not you feel people are justified in holding their views has ZERO bearing here. It’s quite telling how you think you’re the arbitrator on who and who does not get a say.

        And to be clear, fuck bigots and bigotry. I hate ‘em all. Hope they all die painful deaths. I just don’t want governments that don’t already have it to suddenly gain the authority to arrest based on offending people, because it doesn’t take too long before that starts getting abused by the exact type of people who fuck over people like me regularly.