Happy weekend!

You might have noticed that !android@lemdro.id has reached 15K subscribers, with over 400 active visitors per week!

With the release of Android 14, which is slowly making its way to more devices, it seems like a good time for a community discussion on the direction of Android development.

Discussion Questions:

  • What do you think about this latest release?
  • Do you think things are going in the right direction?
  • Is there anything you’d like to see prioritized in future releases?
  • Which device are you on?

P.S. Subscribe to !askandroid@lemdro.id if you haven’t already. It’s the best place to ask questions, seek advice, or to help steer others in the right direction for all things related to Android.

  • What do you think about this latest release?

    I really don’t have any thoughts at all because I have yet to notice one difference.

    Do you think things are going in the right direction?

    I really miss the days where I was excited about Android releases, but honestly, there hasn’t been a single feature I have been excited for since like Android 5.0.

    Is there anything you’d like to see prioritized in future releases?

    Android really needs better cross device support like Apple devices have. Apple users can seamlessly send and receive messages across all of their devices, transfer files between them, move their web browsing session, etc. Android requires apps made by others to do this, and they are all lacking critical features. KDE connect barely even works for me no matter what I do. It used to work great about 5 years ago, but since I installed it on a new laptop about 4 months ago, it has barely worked.

    Android NEEDS RCS support. Right now only apps shipped with the phone can use the API. But that’s not good enough. Android needs a user-level API for it. I feel like our only hope for this is that the EU mandates it.

    Which device are you on?

    Pixel 7.