Using newest GNOME

I want windows of newly opened programs to either go to to to the half left, or half right of the screen when opened, instead of opening in a random place/middle of the screen not maximized

is it possible ?

    • Judging by the @s in your comment you are posting this from Mastodon, which severely bungles Lemmy threads. The OP is posting on a Linux community and has a problem that only tiling window managers can really solve, average users don’t matter here.

      • I’ve never heard about lemme till today. I’m a twitter refugee so I’m kinda inexperienced with the fediverse, that’s said tho… If someone is using gnome in the year of our lord 2023 they’re probably not the crowd for display managers. I do find the idea quite nice but I’m really wondering why desktop environments suck at windows tiling. It seems like quite an important feature.

    • I’m not sure how easy it is to do with GNOME now, but you can often have a WM just replace part of your DE. For a long time I ran i3 as part of an Xfce setup when I had to connect to school wifi.

      • I have used Linux for a bit but my hardware plays nicest with windows, I still play with the WSL from the terminal every now and then but tbh using Linux on my main laptop is more trouble than its worth sometimes.
        I think it’s perfect on the desktop side tho because all the parts are standard and there’s no weird proprietary shit unless you got an Nvidia GPU