
Originally, the protest was planned to be 48 hours. However, after a shambolic AMA held by Reddit’s CEO, it has become clear to us that Reddit doesn’t intend to act in good faith. When the CEO is willing to lie and spread libellous claims about another third-party developer, and then try double down by vilifying them, again, in an AMA, despite being proven as a liar by the developer through audio recordings, that’s when we knew what we were up against. Therefore, the subreddit will be privatised until such time as a reasonable resolution is proposed.

  • This is great! But the problem is they’re probably just going to replace the admins/mods w/e they’re called that control the subreddit and just open it up again…

    • There was some mods discussing this on Tildes, and the mods seemed to think that replacing them wouldn’t be as easy as people make it out to be. Mods apparently have a wealth of institutional knowledge that is required due to the lackluster default mod suite, and apparently the admins rely on them to come up with their own solutions to issues. Replacing the mods sounds like it will reduce the quality of the content but also will be a big headache for any new mods to jump in. Reddit may not give a shit and they may think it won’t significantly affect investor interest, but I wonder if us regular users will notice a difference. Hell, there’s already been a difference over the past 10 years.

      • You think reddit cares about that?

        The title says /r/iPhone has almost 4 million subscribers, they’ll find replacement mods in the blink of an eye.

        But it will still hurt them, immensely. All these people on lemmy are proof of that, moderation quality on reddit will also go down and the site’s reputation will be permanently tarnished.

        Millionaires are not qualified to run social media websites.

        • Right, that’s what I’m saying - I’m curious if we’ll notice a quality drop in content, if the majority of users who stay will notice or care, and how that will affect Reddit’s bottom line and investor opportunities.

        • Right, that’s what I’m saying - replacement may be easy, but those mods were suggesting a hit to quality. Something tells me Reddit is ready for widespread nuking and has a backup solution to handle that, but it would be lovely to see it all go down. Can’t wait to see what Reddit looks like after all these Subreddits finish going dark.