Techno-optimism is a dangerous philosophy whose adherents espouse the blind faith that market capitalism and technology will solve the world’s problems. In reality, this kind of optimism simply justifies elite power and promotes indifference to human suffering.

  • Fucking hate Andreson and other tech billionaires. That was an insane list of ideals. However I do believe tech is our salvation under socialism, and necessary to change our material conditions enough to make socialism inevitable.

    • I totally agree. I’m optimistic about technology once we escape capitalism. Under socialism automation and technology make everyone’s lives easier. e.g. the classic example of a technology that allows workers to be 2x more productive would mean the workers all keep their jobs and pay, but work half as much under socialism, but under capitalism half lose their job and the rest work just as much for the same pay.

      That said, things like sustainability, social responsibility, and the other pieces of the “demoralization campaign” should absolutely be considered. They’re important.

      • So the question is, how should engineers behave and be treated under capitalism? I work on AI and hope it will be revolutionary and try to only take ethical work. I think we do have an opportunity to become post scarcity if we simultaneously educate and empower people to seize the new technologies. We need people to see it’s capacity and rise up politically in response to it.