Remember kids, Tankies wants to undermine democracy - same as facists.

  • And you are extremely out of touch if you think tankies could ever manifest into anything more than a threat than a Unabomberesc bad actor. Tankies arent organized whatsoever in the west, while Nazis are have actual rallies in broad day light, while the GOP is actively championing causes that they support. Tankies want to kill landlords, Nazis want to kill Jews, Black People, Queer folk, and Liberals that wont toe the line. I dont agree with either of them, but i can recognize that the Nazi threat is much more metastasised in America and a much greater threat. If you cant see that you need to get your head out of your ass.

    • And you are extremely out of touch if you think tankies could ever manifest into anything more than a threat than a Unabomberesc bad actor.

      We’ve literally had and still have totalitarian regimes that claimed to be communist what the hell are you talking about?