Remember kids, Tankies wants to undermine democracy - same as facists.

  •  oatscoop   ( ) 
    158 months ago

    I mentioned the time hexbear’s admin called the (trans) admin of (the trans instance) “transphobic” in another thread once. Some hexbear dipshit then “named and shamed” me as a transphobe.

    They’re loud, obnoxious idiots – nothing more.

    • I wonder if it’s the same hexbear admin who banned me from the entire site after I called them on being in support of crypto, then made a post-hoc justification for. You know, that sham right wing capitalism alternative that pedos use to buy illegal material with.

      Regardless, I made a comment saying “Stop working, ‘work will set you free’ is a nazi phrase” and they removed it for “Godwins Law” so obviously I’m not missing out because I have literally never seen anyone outside of a nazi misuse Godwin’s Law that egregiously.