•  MxM111   ( @MxM111@kbin.social ) 
    11 months ago

    I see no problem people identifying themselves as helicopters or mouse, whatever. How on earth would it impact me? It’s a free country, so to say. Where I would have problem is if the law of the land would require to call them so. It should be my choice.

    • Where I would have problem is if the law of the land would require to call them so. It should be my choice.

      I don’t disagree and ultimately it’s one of those things that gets fixed with time. But also as someone who lives in the Southeast US and hears on a pretty often occurrence old shits calling black guys just doing their job “boy”, I can understand why folks get upset about using terms to demean others.

      I don’t think we should require legally the racist fuckers to not be themselves, but I’m pretty okay with younger people calling out the older fuckers that demean others. So no, no need for legal requirements, I think social shunning and embarrassment good enough.