Any ideas? I am attempting to write a script that uses sed.
If done this way it fails
- rmdec=“sed ‘s/…$//’”
- i1xmr=$(echo “$i1p/$apiresponse*1000” |bc -l |$rmdec)
But if i do it this way it works
- i1xmr=$(echo “$i1p/$apiresponse*1000” |bc -l | sed ‘s/…$//’)
It might be because it’s a single string, and might work if you store it or expand it as an array. I think it would in Zsh, anyway.
But the response to use a function instead is probably wiser.
Strings work fine, the problem is the (single) quotes:
The splitting is by whitespace, so the single quotes remain in the arguments. Using eval (and double quotes to preven splitting), it gets processed correctly. That said, don’t use eval; use functions or aliases instead.
Yep, the function did the trick. My guess is it was being misread at execution as a variable and thats why it was breaking