Been getting back into being creative. Tell me about some of your creative outlets

  • I’m self taught- besides a few YouTube tutorials here and there, I like trying to figure things out.

    I really enjoy creating. I’ve never been good at drawing and only half good at painting. But I’m realising not everything I have to create needs to be good- sometimes it’s about the process.

    Burn out is so real. It’s important to enjoy what you’re doing.

    I create for me- so I don’t care if my paintings aren’t all there. I enjoyed painting, and I’m proud of myself for sitting down and doing it.

    Thank you for your advice- it comes from a good place.

    •  HelixDab2   ( ) 
      211 months ago

      It’s important to enjoy what you’re doing.

      I totally agree. I loved drawing and designing before I went to school. Now I don’t. I’m much, much better at it than I was, but I’m also apathetic about it. I think that being happy with what you’re doing, and getting joy out of the process, is more important than any kind of technical prowess.