This is something close to home for me, I have 3 boys, the education system doesn’t seem to cater to a lot of boys.

  • That last part is the real deal here. Somewhere I have an old screen-shot from Trade Me Forum where a guy said he quit teaching because they basically thought he was a pedo or something like that. As a male, you can’t dare be too friendly or jokey with any student, male or female, or you’ll have to go through some sexual predator prevention programme or something. It will only get worse, and eventually they will roll out this “woke” training nonsense into every profession. Women control all the cosy office jobs and it’s always women in HR who push the anti-male crap.

    •  liv   ( ) 
      11 months ago

      I think the Peter Ellis case did an enormous disservice to the teaching profession as well as the childcare sector.

      We all know there was the occasional bad apple and that needed to end, but this was not the right way to go about fixing it.

      Crap pay doesn’t help of course.