Remember kids, Tankies wants to undermine democracy - same as facists.

  •  millie   ( ) 
    8 months ago

    Reading this and looking at the moderated comments, I’m largely on side with your criticisms, but hexbear is not the most welcoming instance to trans people by a long shot. I’m a disabled trans woman who works with the public and uses it as an opportunity to seed social change. I act as an outside agitator for some local workers struggling with their management. I’ve done canvassing for Planned Parenthood. I’ve lived on the street and been part of intentional self-supporting homeless communities. I absolutely reject corporate oversight and I’ve made sacrifices in my own life to reject capitalistic imperatives. I put my money (or lack thereof) where my mouth is and am leftist as fuck.

    And yet the moment i disagree with one of them on anything it’s the ‘lib’ dogpile from a bunch of armchair doom scrollers from the comfort of their heated-seat toilets. I don’t feel the vibe that i do from people in the real world I’ve talked to who’ve been through struggle and know first hand what’s wrong with capitalism and American pseudodemocracy. I feel the vibe i feel from ignorant ass private school teenagers who think they know everything.

    Personally, I find Beehaw and Solarpunk a lot more welcoming. Same to .film before it poofed.

    Hexbear is to my experience the least welcoming instance to anyone who isn’t cosplaying a leftist channer poe troll.