• Its not so indiscriminate. Its just that theyre edgy libertarians and radical centrists. Its less about blanket making fun of everyone including themselves and that theyre smugly declaring “both sides bad” on most things.

    • The viewer must be able to laugh at themselves, or at least be able to tolerate writers who are deliberately pushing people’s buttons. Sometimes there’s a good point hiding in the bullshit.

      Or, just skip the show entirely. It’s great that their turnaround time is only six days(!), so they can address surprisingly current issues, but the show is past its prime anyway.

    •  Cethin   ( @Cethin@lemmy.zip ) 
      48 months ago

      I think the old stuff is for sure, but didn’t they at one point notice how bad they were for thinking that way and change? Idk, I haven’t watched the show in probably 10+ years.