The employment concept document hammering home the threat to Canada from China and Russia comes as the military leadership and its supporters advocate for billions more dollars in defence spending.

But pumping more money into the military comes at a time when the Liberal government is pushing fiscal restraint on federal departments. In addition, the Canadian Forces and National Defence have faced questions about how they manage the money they already receive as well as concerns about equipment projects that have gone tens of billions of dollars over budget without providing additional military capability.

  • How about instead of antagonizing foreign nations on the other side the globe with the few military resources we have … we just keep things at home and don’t start fights where we aren’t supposed to be.

    When it comes to China … if we are at war with them … why the hell is our economy hinged on Chinese trade worth billions with them?

    I always love this argument -> China is evil but we don’t mind doing billions of dollars worth of business with them.

    Stop beating the drums of war … if you want to spend millions on something … spend millions on peace … the more money you spend on war, the more likely you’ll get a war.

      • The US dumped billions into Ukraine before, during and after this war … the only goal seems to be - > more war.

        If the west, especially the US had not invested so heavily in Ukraine, do you think there would be a protracted war right now?

        Everyone is so preoccupied with what the war is now, but no one ever asks how, why and where the war originated … or even why it is continuing. And its not as simple as saying that Russia has expansionist goals and wants to rule the world. If any country is guilty of that, I only know of one country in the world that has directly or indirectly affected the statehood of many, many nations over the past 80 years.

        I’m with every detractor out there including you … I don’t have any love for authoritarian Russia and I don’t agree with one country invading or occupying another.

        But I do keep a wide eye on global politics to know that, most if not all wars are preventable and wars that are in motion can be stopped if the participants and supporters of any side are willing. And war only continues if both sides are willing to invest it with money … lots and lots of money … which Ukraine has none right now.

        So my question stands … does the world want to keep investing in perpetual war … or is anyone willing to spend a penny on peace?

        •  ebc   ( ) 
          211 months ago

          If the west, especially the US had not invested so heavily in Ukraine, do you think there would be a protracted war right now?

          Probably not, Ukraine just wouldn’t exist anymore. How is that better?

          If any country is guilty of that, I only know of one country in the world

          There are a few countries like that, actually. There used to be other ones, too. The fact that one does it does not excuse the other. And no, it’s not okay that one does it “because they’re the good guys” either (altough I don’t think many people outside that country think they’re the good guys, really, I certainly don’t).