“Good luck with the future, gentlemen,” County Court Judge Kellie Blair said to the pair, as she stepped off the bench at the end of hearing.

  • And one of these cunts was already convicted for assault (which the other Nazi filmed) but didn’t had to do jail time because of “his lack of criminal history”. So the excuse now is they have good prospects for rehabilitation. So the fucking judge thinks a violent repeat offender has a good chance at rehabilitation by doing community service. This judge is insane. Bet if it were anti-fascists they would be doing hard time.

    • She’s not insane, she’s a fascist.

      If it was insanity, it’d be easier to understand her actions – she might not be completely completely in control of herself or aware of what she’s doing. She knows what she’s doing.

            • Grammatical gender just feels so, well… pointless. Like, why should I have to care about what someone’s gender is when I’m referring to them? If someone’s gender is actually relevant somehow I can just use words like “woman” etc. to specify (eg if I need to point someone out in a crowd or whatever), but it’s rarely relevant at all. Defaulting to “he” isn’t too great either even though I do it myself too sometimes because it’s so common and it was taught in school too etc., but it’s neat that “they” is more popular nowadays.

              I should actually probably just fucking ditch gendered pronouns altogether and use “they” most of the time – would feel more natural, and as bonus it would annoy conservatives