Advances in the java programming language, version 16 and newer, slashed a million lines of code from my codebase. Maintaining my programs became easier overnight, due to this 1 secret trick: Records. 
Unfortunately version 16 was not LTS, so I had to wait until this year’s release of version 21, which is LTS. 
 Go read the linked article. It explains Java Records in a very approachable manner.

  •  Luvon   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    I already tend to have the code generator for various other abilities it offers. Things like annotations for logging, Val, and builders are just very practical and Java doesn’t otherwise have a way to get rid of that boilerplate.

    If I can use a record I will now (especially since we are now on Java 17) but like I said, I haven’t been able to make spring and hibernate play nice with records so far so I’m stuck with classes for some @data things