Buffy Sainte-Marie’s claims to Indigenous ancestry are being contradicted by members of the iconic singer-songwriter’s own family and an extensive CBC investigation.

By Geoff Leo, Roxanna Woloshyn and Linda Guerriero • CBC News

  •  IninewCrow   ( @ininewcrow@lemmy.ca ) 
    8 months ago

    This is what I didn’t get after watching the fifth estate program.

    Santamaria (which is what I’ll call her from now on) was born American and at one point in her career she is identified as Canadian … which didn’t matter much at first.

    But then the Canadian government gave her awards and put her to the order of Canada … doesn’t anyone look into backgrounds and history before bestowing these awards? … or do they just hand them out based on your bank account?

      • She’s gone way past the option of ‘asking for permission’ … Now the lies are at the stage of ‘asking for forgiveness’

        She’s psychotic … she asked for sympathy because she identified as an opposed person who was part of an oppressed culture … now she’s asking for sympathy because her privacy has been invaded.

        Never once showed awareness, self reflection or humility … instead it’s just ignorance, arrogance and deflection. I guess you have to be when thousands and possibility millions are on the line.