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Key thing is that the shortages in Gaza are a direct result of Hamas deciding to stockpile food, water, and fuel, and munitions in order to kill, rather than making sure everybody has enough.

  • Mostly concern that it weakens their position militarily. Get a genuine willingness for peace from a posr-Hamas Palestinain government and some sort of land-for-peace becomes thinkable

    •  sqgl   ( ) 
      11 months ago

      Do you mean weakens the Hamas position militarily? Or do you mean weakens the Israeli position militarily?

      I understand WB is Fatah controlled who are more inclined towards a 2SS which is why Bibi supported Hamas (until it backfired on Oct 7).

      I also read a Reddit comment about how taking land from settlers and returning it to Palestinians would make the border larger and Israel more vulnerable but I don’t understand how that is so.