• Here’s the thing, reddit hopes so too. Reddit’s goal isn’t to make money on 3rd party apps, it’s to price the api high enough to draw people to their free ad riddled dumpster fire of an app. It’s the same reason you can’t get nsfw subs on the api.

      •  NightOwl   ( @NightOwl@lemmy.one ) 
        8 months ago

        For once I’m with reddit (on people using third party apps but reasons are different where reddit wanted to no longer compete with third party apps, and I don’t want people giving reddit money after the end of the protest). I’d prefer third party apps be dead for good if mobile plan type subscriptions are necessary to exist (by this I mean the third party apps need subscriptions to exist because of reddit’s decision to charge for api which they aren’t going to change because people were unwilling to quit during the protest, and showed reddit they are too addicted to stay away. So now the aftermath for users is either pay or don’t, and I’d rather people not pay reddit money. Better off quitting mobile use than pay money is my stance.).

        So the few hold outs now either give into using reddit app like reddit wants or go through the process of getting third party apps to work for free. Or use the website or preferably move to not contributing to reddit anymore through mobile, and just moving to lurker status through rss or accountless apps like Stealth for Android.

        • “Necessary to exist” is a bit of a stretch. Reddit is vastly overcharging for the api, as evidenced by what other sites charge apps for similar service.

          Reddit charging so much for api access is them solving a problem they invented with the express purpose of killing free 3rd party apps.

          Saying you’re with reddit on this is essentially saying you like the way they’re handling the problem they created to benefit themselves.

          •  NightOwl   ( @NightOwl@lemmy.one ) 
            18 months ago

            I just have yet to be convinced that paying to use it is a good thing regardless of reddit’s intention.

            I only see the grip reddit on its users where even negative users are still dedicated to point of being willing to pay access reddit. Which is nice dedication to see for Reddit where all the vocal talk has turned out to be nothing but talk.