• Elon Musk’s entire career since his PayPal days has been throwing one horrifyingly bad idea after another to his employees for them to figure out a way to bring into reality, then take credit for all of his employees’ work once they somehow realize these idea in order to shamelessly market himself as a tech genius, a “real life Tony Stark”, to make his employees realize even more bad ideas. Until his management of Twitter exposed him.

    Can’t wait to see what kind of trainwreck a dating app designed by a misogynistic thrice-divorced deadbeat manchild would look like.

    • I loathe the guy but I really think you’re doing him a disservice. It is HARD to scale businesses while maintaining an environment of iteration and preventing things getting moribund. And while I’d never work for him on work-life balance grounds, you can at least not fault him for living the kind of environment he wanted to create, with absolute dedication to the task.

      And honestly, how many CEOs do you know who can walk the grounds of his business and tell you exactly what each component does and why? While it may not be his idea, that’s still a lot of knowledge to hold in your head.

      • Elon failed at scaling businesses. He lucked out at the start, and people think he’s a genius due to survivorship bias, but tesla is going down the drain, even if it had an extremely good position in the market. SpaceX is doing alright I suppose, but didn’t achieve many of the ambitious goals Elon said would happen, like the mars stuff, if not cancelled, then very delayed. The boring Company is a failure. Twitter is a failure. Solar roofs were a failure. Neuralink is a failure.

        Employees talk about how they constantly have to tip-toe around him, and basically psychologically manipulate him to do the right thing. I think SpaceX just has really good managers that manage not the employees, but Elon himself. Whenever he gets full reign in a company, it falls apart.

    •  figaro   ( @figaro@lemdro.id ) 
      11 months ago

      I mean the bar is pretty low right now. Tinder/matchgroup basically owns the market. I used the Facebook dating app for a bit and honestly, it ended up being more worthwhile than tinder.