If lemmy had user-defined filters, I’d use them. Right now I’m downvoting the stuff, but there’s already a community for musk-related stuff: !EnoughMuskSpam@kbin.social

  • Musk has already been banned as a topic on tech communities in 4 instances I’ve seen personally. I get folks are tired of him and I find him insufferable, but he is often relevant (unfortunately) to current events, so I don’t think wholesale bans of him are a good idea. There are plenty of topics I find annoying, but I don’t tell people to ban the topic from the community just for my personal preference.

    Like I think trump is a cringe inducing piece of shit and don’t enjoy seeing him everywhere. I’d love a filter, I don’t expect communities to ban him as a topic.

    • Yeah but relevant to current tech events? Not that often.

      It’s complicated I guess.

      Musk offering starlink access to gaza is tech news, him changing subscription prices for xitter is not.

      I guess I just mean that a happening is not “tech” by virtue of musk saying it.

      • He owns starlink, Twitter, Tesla, and SpaceX. Whether we like it or not all of these have huge bearings on their respective industries.

        And before people started hating musk, again rightfully so I’m embarrassed I ever liked him, you couldn’t go a day without something about SpaceX and people getting all excited. This is purely about the person, not the relevance of the topics.

        If y’all could somehow come up with a nuanced soft ban on “his personal life“ and politics or whatever, I guess that’s a decent compromise? But that just sounds tedious and people will bicker. And also his politics unfortunately have an impact on how Twitter is run, so you would have to find ways to separate those things out. It’s just seems kind of needless.

        I mean imagine if we couldn’t spread the word/learn of what he was doing with his starlink satellites and Ukraine/Russia. That stuff is really important.

        • The nuanced soft ban you’re talking about is just the topic of the community.

          When musk does something tech related that’s tech. When he does something that’s not tech related that’s off topic.

          Twitter is a social media website it’s not tech.

        • Most of what he does is talking, with a pinch of false advertisement and stock manipulation thrown in the mix.

          But I’m happy about any actual developments! I’m super hyped for the next starship launch for example.

        • I mean anything anyone does on the internet is tech given they do it on the internet.

          Musk is largely just being a shitty ceo doing ceo things, kinda notably for cultural reasons, sure, but musk news probably better serves as more business news than tech.