• Her family have spoken out and the point is now moot. She is who she is and the people who have a right to care agree with her. Everyone else can go fuck off. This is nothing but pierre poilivre’s base stirring up racism.

    • Speak for yourself … I’m full blooded Indigenous and I categorically don’t agree with any of this

      It smacks of colonialism 2.0 … take an identify under false pretenses … get called a liar … look for an excuse and it doesn’t matter any more.

      If nothing is done about this … then more false actors are bound to appear now and in the future who can think that its acceptable to carry out this stupid charade.

      Don’t base all of Indigenous acceptance to this stupidity based on one family in one region in one situation. This affects millions and the number of people it affects is related to the number of reactions out there.

    • This video is Pierre Poilivre stirring up racism? The Fifth Estate? Admittedly, I’ve been away from Canada for some time, so I might be missing out on certain political cues. I’ll leave the sharing up to others from here on.