• That was precisely my thought as well. I thought the movie was great and was paced well enough that I was not bored throughout; but I certainly needed to pee with some urgency by the time the movie ended (and that was with me intentionally not drinking anything during the film).

    Not peeing is certainly doable; but if you had a UTI or something I do not think it would be feasible. I guess in situations like that you should wait for it to become available to watch in your own home where the studios can’t get huffy about taking a bathroom break.

    • I’m a drinker at the movies. I love a cold drink be it, water or a soda. When I was in my teens and twenty I could easily go that long without using the restroom during a movie (they also weren’t as long as they are now, though). In my 30s I find it very difficult to hold it in and I really don’t want to get a UTI or damage my bladder anymore. Hah.