Fairbnb’s new co-op platform aims to offer short-term rentals without the destructive side effects by Kunal Chaudhary • The Breach

  • Agreed on wages vs prices. Homes are not affordable and I don’t think they will be for my childrens generation. I’m not suggesting the 2% coming back into market will increase supply to lower prices, I’m saying stopping the seemingly endless cash from foreign investment would have a price impact so that average joe isn’t competing with an offshore government backed purchasing fund.

    While I ageee with you somewhat on the housing , I was in Windsor Detroit when you could pick up a property for taxea owing, or 2 bedroom detached for $20k simply because there were more homes available than buyers during a poor economy. The Toronto prices though soon changed that when people sold and moved to windsor detroit area. Now those houses are easy $300-400k