• @snaggen coming from 10 years of Go, Rust is an ugly, unnecessarily complicated language with even more dogma than Go.
    I guess for someone coming from C++ it must seem like an upgrade.
    But as someone using Go on the server side , it’s just much more overhead involved and for what, potentially slightly better performance?
    I went Go because it got rid of the mental burden of OOP.
    And while it’s not perfect by far, it’s good enough.
    Simplicity wins.

    I tried, time and again to like Rust.
    It starts with error messages not making any sense.
    How would I know that I’m missing an import when typing a demonstration from some website?
    What’s up with the ugly ( || keyword) syntax or :: or .unwrap() .
    Because of ownership you’re forced into certain hierarchies, which make the code ugly and hard to read.
    There’s a bazillion libraries, but all are \

    • Sounds like you don’t understand Rust. It’s more difficult to learn than Go. Go can be picked up by an experienced developer in a day. Mostly becauee there isn’t much in the language so there isn’t much to learn.

      Try learning Rust properly before writing code. Learn the concepts. It’s not Python where you hack something together that maybe kinda works.

      • @crispy_kilt correct I don’t understand it and I don’t want to anymore, because I’ve seen it’s much more complicated than what I already use, but I have written that already.
        You’re acting like a kid that’s butt hurt that someone said something bad about their favorite team.
        Rust promised performance but for the cost of much more mental overhead and more complicated and indoctrinated workflow.
        I do what’s best for me.
        Don’t like it idgaf